There is a multitude of choices for storage solutions (Amazon S3, Ceph, Google Cloud Storage, etc.) and combined with the choices of container orchestrators (Kubernetes, Apache Mesos, Docker Swarm, etc.) the permutations are endless.

A Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin is implemented by the storage providers (Amazon, Google, IBM) as an interface to provision and mount volumes for workloads when requested by container orchestrators. The CSI plugin provisions the volume, procures it from the node hosting the container, and mounts it to the requesting container. It standardizes the process of allocating storage for containers between different orchestrators.

Volume Plugin

Before CSIs, the Volume Plugins were used to link the storage solutions and container orchestrators.

Limitations of Volume Plugins

  • Volume Plugins were a part of Kubernetes core. Thus, their development and release were tightly coupled with Kubernetes.
  • Instability and reliability issues with volume plugins could lead to the failure of core Kubernetes components.
  • Every container orchestrator required a different implementation of the plugin.
  • Orchestrators had to communicate with the storage solution throughout the lifecycle of the volume to avoid failures.
  • Volume Plugins had to be open source.

Lifecycle of a Volume with Volume Plugins

Volume Plugins

Volume Plugins

CSI Specification

The CSI specification defines interfaces for implementing a plugin

  • The plugin should work seamlessly across all container orchestrators.
  • Ability to dynamically provision and unprovisioned volumes.
  • Mounting, unmounting, attaching, and detaching volumes on the node.
  • Ability to work with block and mountable volumes.
  • Performing snapshots of volumes, that could be used for provisioning a new volume.

Architecture of a CSI

The orchestrator interacts with the CSI plugin through gRPCs, a cross-platform Remote Procedure Call framework introduced by Google.

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) are used in distributed systems to execute a procedure (subroutine) on a remote system. The CSI’s RPCs are idempotent i.e. a call should not change the result beyond its initial application.

RPC endpoints

There are three sets of gRPCs provided by the CSI Plugin: Identity, Controller, and Node service.

Identity Service RPCs

The Identity Service provides gPRC endpoints that allow an orchestrator to query the capabilities of the plugin, its health, and the metadata associated with the plugin.

gRPC endpoints provided by the identity service:

  • GetPluginInfo: Returns the plugin metadata
  • GetPluginCapabilities: Returns the plugin capabilities (fetched from controller service)
  • Probe: Returns the health of the plugin

Controller Service RPCs

Controller Service groups all the gRPC endpoints responsible for

  • Creating and deleting the volume
  • Publishing and unpublishing the volume to the nodes
  • Creating snapshots of the volumes

gRPC endpoints provided by the controller service:

  • CreateVolume: Creates the volumes on the storage solution. The volume could be created as an empty new volume or from an existing snapshot or from an existing volume.
  • DeleteVolume: Deletes a provisioned volume on the storage solution. Although the volume is deleted its snapshots are functional and available as sources for new volumes.
  • ControllerPublishVolume: Performs the necessary operations to make the volume available to the requesting node.
  • ControllerUnpublishVolume: Reverts the operations performed in ContainerPublishVolume.
  • ValidateVolumeCapabilities: Verifies the provisioned volume for capabilities requested by the orchestrator.
  • ListVolumes: Returns information about all the volumes.
  • ControllerGetVolume: Called by the orchestrator to fetch the current information associated with a specific volume.
  • GetCapacity: Queries the storage pool for its current capacity.
  • ControllerGetCapabilities: Returns the details of the capabilities of the controller service.
  • CreateSnapshot: Creates a snapshot of an existing volume.
  • DeleteSnapshot: Deletes the volume snapshot.
  • ListSnapshots: Returns details of all snapshots.
  • ControllerExpandVolume: Using this RPC the orchestrator can request for expansion in the size of a volume.

Node Service RPCs

These RPCs are called from the node where the volume is requested. They are responsible for the actions performed on the volume after it is mounted on the node.

gRPC endpoints provided by the controller service:

  • NodeStageVolume: After the workload (container) is scheduled on the orchestrator it calls NodeStageVolume on the volume provided by ContainerPublishVolume. The volume is mounted on the node on stage_path temporarily.
  • NodeUnstageVolume: Reverts the actions performed by NodeStageVolume.
  • NodePublishVolume: After NodeStageVolume is called the NodePublishVolume mounts the volume on target_path to be consumed by the workload.
  • NodeUnpublishVolume: Reverts the actions performed by NodeUnpublishVolume.
  • NodeGetVolumeStats: Returns the capacity statistics for a volume.
  • NodeGetCapabilities: Called by the orchestrator to check the capabilities of the node services.
  • NodeGetInfo: Returns the information for the node where the volume has to be mounted.
  • NodeExpandVolume: Expands the volume mounted on the node. This call should be performed after NodeStageVolume and NodePublishVolume.

Implementation of a CSI

CSI specification provides examples of different implementations for plugins.

Centralized Controller Plugin

Centralized Controller CSI Plugin

Centralized Controller CSI Plugin

The controller service RPCs could be packaged in a Controller Plugin located on the master node of the orchestrators. The node service RPCs are bundled as Node Plugin located on each worker node (or any node that could request volumes).

Headless Plugin

Headless CSI Plugin

Headless CSI Plugin

The Controller and Node Plugin could be placed together inside the worker node.

Controller Plugin

Controller CSI Plugin

Controller CSI Plugin

CSI could be deployed with just the Controller plugin on the worker node that provides both controller and node services.

Node Plugin

Node CSI Plugin

Node CSI Plugin

CSI could also be deployed with just a Node plugin on the worker node providing just the node services.

Volume lifecycle with CSI

Lifecycle of a Volume managed by CSI Plugin

Lifecycle of a Volume managed by CSI Plugin

Mounting a Volume on a Container

  1. A Workload is scheduled by the container orchestrator.
  2. The orchestrator calls CreateVolume RPC to provision a volume on the storage solution.
  3. Once the volume is provisioned on the storage solution the orchestrator calls ContainerPublishVolume to make it available to the node.
  4. After the volume is available to the node, the orchestrator calls NodeStageVolume to mount the volume on the node at stage_path.
  5. Finally, the orchestrator calls NodePublishVolume to mount the volume on target_path. Thus making it available for the container.

Deleting a Volume

  1. The volume to be deleted is unpublished by the orchestrator by calling NodeUnpublishVolume RPC.
  2. Once unpublished from the container the volume is unstaged by NodeUnstageVolume.
  3. The unstaged volume is then unpublished from the node by ContainerUnpublishVolume.
  4. Finally, the unpublished volume is deleted by DeleteVolume RPC.

Example of a CSI: Intel Optane Persistent Memory PMEM-CSI Storage Driver

Intel Optane is a tiered persistent memory technology. It is used as a high-performance storage for desktop (improving system boot time) and enterprise (CAD, Modeling, Media editing) workloads.

The PMEM-CSI storage driver is provided by Intel to configure the Optane Persistent Memory as a storage solution for Kubernetes. The persistent volumes could be provisioned dynamically on the Optane memory and mounted on the containers present on the cluster.

Using this driver the developers can take advantage of Optane memory in their cache data store like Memcached Operator.

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Container storage 101: What is CSI and how does it work? | Computer Weekly
Understanding the Container Storage Interface (CSI) | by anoop vijayan maniankara
Container Storage Interface: Present and Future - Jie Yu, Mesosphere, Inc.
Container Storage Interface (CSI) for Kubernetes
Introduction - Kubernetes CSI Developer Documentation
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