Problem Statement

We have to implement a productExceptSelf function that takes an integer array nums as input and returns another array answer as output. The element answer[i] will be the product of all elements in inputArray except inputArray[i].

Problem Statement for productExceptSelf

The implementation should not contain a division (/) operation because the answer array could also be created by iterating over all elements in inputArray and dividing them from the product of the complete array.

Brute Force Solution

The brute-force solution to this problem could be implemented using nested loops. Where the first loop will select an element from the array and the second loop will be used to calculate the product without the element from the first loop.

Psuedo-code for the Brute Force Solution

answer = []
loop index on nums
	product = 1
	loop index2 on nums
		if index!=index2
			product *= nums[index2]

return answer

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

The brute-force solution will return the answer array in $O(n^2)$ time for the best-case input. Since both the loops will iterate completely over the nums array.

Worst Case Scenario

The worst-case scenario will also take $O(n^2)$ to return the solution.

Space Complexity Analysis

The answer array will require additional $O(n)$ memory.

Code for the Brute Force Solution

package main

import "fmt"

func productExceptSelf(nums []int)([]int){
    answer := []int{}
    for index:=0;index<len(nums);index++{
        product := 1
        for index2:=0;index2<len(nums);index2++{

            // Skip the element selected by the outer loop
            if index!=index2{
                product *= nums[index2]
        answer = append(answer, product)
    return answer

func main(){
    nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
    fmt.Println("Product Except Self:", productExceptSelf(nums))

    nums = []int{45, 34, 67, 86, 23}
    fmt.Println("Product Except Self:", productExceptSelf(nums))

// Output
// Product Except Self: [24 12 8 6]
// Product Except Self: [4505884 5963670 3026340 2357730 8815860]

Optimized Solution

If we have to improve the time complexity of brute-force solution then we have to think of something other than nested loops.

The “product except self” for an element nums[i] refers to the product of all elements before and after nums[i] i.e. answer[i] = nums[0:i-1] * nums[i+1:]. Thus, we can implement the productExceptSelf function with $O(n)$ time complexity if we calculate two arrays prefix and suffix where

  • prefix[i] is the product of all elements before nums[i]

Calculating prefix for nums array

  • suffix[i] is the product of all elements after nums[i]

Calculating suffix for nums array

and multiply them to create the answer array.

Psuedo code for the Optimized Solution

prefix = []
loop index on nums
	prefixProduct = 1
	prefixProduct *= nums[index]

suffix = []
loop index from length(nums)-1 to 0
	suffixProduct = 1
	suffixProduct *= nums[index]

answer = []
loop index on prefix

 return answer

Time Complexity Analysis

Best Case Scenario

The optimized solution will return the answer array in $O(n)$ time (generalized from $O(3n)$) since the time complexity of iterating over all three arrays (prefix, suffix, and answer) is $O(n)$.

Worst Case Scenario

The time complexity of iterating over arrays in worst-case input is the same as in the best-case scenario. Thus, the total time complexity of the function remains the same i.e. $O(n)$.

Space Complexity Analysis

To store the prefix, suffix, and answer array we will need additional $O(3n)$ memory. We can improve the space complexity if we use a single array for storing the products of prefix and suffix and return it as the answer.

Code for the Optimized Solution

package main

import "fmt"

func productExceptSelf(nums []int)([]int){
    prefix := []int{}
    prefixProduct := 1
    for index:=0;index<len(nums);index++{
        prefix = append(prefix, prefixProduct)
        prefixProduct *= nums[index]

    suffix := []int{}
    suffixProduct := 1

    // Loop over the nums array in reverse
    // starting from the last element

    for index:=(len(nums)-1);index>(-1);index--{
        // Append the element at the start
        // rather than at the end
        suffix = append([]int{suffixProduct}, suffix...)
        suffixProduct *= nums[index]

    answer := []int{}
    for index:=0;index<len(prefix);index++{
        // Multiply prefix and suffix elements
        // to create the answer array
        answer = append(answer, prefix[index]*suffix[index])

    return answer

func main(){
    nums := []int{4, 2, 3, 7}
    fmt.Println("Product Except Self:", productExceptSelf(nums))

    nums = []int{45, 34, 67, 86, 23}
    fmt.Println("Product Except Self:", productExceptSelf(nums))

// Output
// Product Except Self: [42 84 56 24]
// Product Except Self: [4505884 5963670 3026340 2357730 8815860]

Code for the Optimized Solution (Constant Space Complexity)

Assuming the memory space required by the answer array is constant i.e. $O(1)$.

package main

import "fmt"

func productExceptSelf(nums []int)([]int){
    answer := []int{}

    // Fill up the answer array with prefixes
    prefixProduct := 1
    for index:=0;index<len(nums);index++{
        answer = append(answer, prefixProduct)
        prefixProduct *= nums[index]

    // Multiply suffixes with the existing
    // values in the answer array i.e. prefixes
    suffixProduct := 1
    for index:=(len(nums)-1);index>(-1);index--{
        answer[index] *= suffixProduct
        suffixProduct *= nums[index]

    return answer

func main(){
    nums := []int{4, 2, 3, 7}
    fmt.Println("Product Except Self:", productExceptSelf(nums))

    nums = []int{45, 34, 67, 86, 23}
    fmt.Println("Product Except Self:", productExceptSelf(nums))

// Output
// Product Except Self: [42 84 56 24]
// Product Except Self: [4505884 5963670 3026340 2357730 8815860]

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238. Product of Array Except Self
Product of Array Except Self - Leetcode 238 - Python